Friday, April 20, 2007

Sharia Marketing

Guru marketing Hermawan Kartajaya sudah beberapa lama bergaul dengan praktisi keuangan syariah. Ia mulai fasih mengatakan ajaran Islam sebagai rahmatan lil alamin. Beragama Katolik, Hermawan malah berniat ikut dalam mengembangkan nilai marketing Islami. Berikut petikan wawancara sesaat setelah peluncuran buku Sharia Marketing di Jakarta pekan lalu.

Sebetulnya apa beda marketing syariah dan konvensional?
Dalam dunia marketing itu ada istilah kelirumologi. Itu lho sembilan prinsip yang disalah artikan. Misalnya marketing diartikan untuk membujuk orang belanja sebanyak-banyaknya. Atau marketing yang yang pada akhirnya membuat kemasan sebaik-baiknya padahal produknya tidak bagus. Atau membujuk dengan segala cara agar orang mau bergabung dan belanja. Itu salah satu kelirumologi ( merujuk istilah yang dipopulerkan Jaya Suprana). Marketing syariah itu mengajarkan orang untuk jujur pada konsumen atau orang lailn. Nilai syariah mencegah orang (marketer) terperosok pada kelirumologi itu tadi. Ada nilai-nilai yang harus dijunjung oleh seorang pemasar. Apalagi jika ia Muslim.

Apakah nilai marketing syariah bisa diterapkan umat lain?
Lha ya nilai Islam itu universal. Rahmatan lil alamin. Begitu kan istilahnya. Nabi Muhammad itu menyebarkan ajaran Islam pasti bukan hanya untuk umat Islam saja. Jadi tidak apa-apa jika nilai marketing syariah ini inisiatif orang Islam supaya bisa menginspirasikan orang lain. Makin banyak non-Muslim yang ikut menerapkan nilai ini, makin bagus. Saya ikut mengendorse marketing syariah. Soal jujur itu kan universal. Jadi marketing syariah harus diketahui orang lain dalam rangka rahmatan lil alamin itu.

Apa nilai inti marketing syariah?
Integrity atau tak boleh bohong. Transparansi. Orang kan tak boleh bohong. Jadi orang membeli karena butuh dan sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan, bukan karena diskonnya. Itu jika konsep marketing dijalankan secara benar.
Bagaiman muasal perkembangan nilai spiritual dalam marketing
Sejalan dengan perkembangan dunia. Setelah September attack, orang melihat IQ dan EQ saja tidak cukup. Harus ada SQ, spiritual quotient.

Orang melihat Apakah nilai marketing syariah ini akan bertahan? Ya pasti sustain. Karena prinsip dasarnya kejujuran. Ini yang dibutuhkan semua orang. Apalagi setelah kasus seperti Enron, Worldcom dan lainnya. Orang melihat bisnis itu harus jujur. Lalu di mana peran ilmu marketing dalam konsep syariah Syariah mengendorse marketing dan marketing mengendorse syariah. Ilmu marketing menyumbangkan profesionalitas dalam syariah. Karena jika orang marketing tidak profesional, orang tetap tidak percaya. Lihat saja bagaimana investor Timur Tengah belum mau investasi di Indonesia, meski negara ini populasinya mayoritas Muslim. Karena mereka tidak yakin dengan profesionalitas kita. Jadi, jujur saja tidak cukup.

Bukankan nilai kejujuran dan transparansi itu diajarkan semua agama
Ya. Memang semua agama mengajarkan nilai itu. Tapi jangan lupa bahwa islam itu rahmatan lil alamin. Jadi, ada titik singgung. Bukankah lebih baik mencari yang serupa dari pada memperkarakan yang berbeda. Jika begitu hidup kita damai. Menurut saya, tak mengapa kita sebut marketing syariah. Karena mayoritas populasi di Indonesia itu Muslim. Jadi nilai syariah yang kita kedepankan. Kita mulai di sini, di Indonesia. Ada bagusnya jika yang mengendorse itu orang Islam, bukan yang lain.

Setelah nilai spiritual konsep apa lagi yang akan mengemuka dalam dunia bisnis?
Millenium. Orang mencari keseimbangan. Maksudnya orang berbisnis itu harus menjaga kelangsungan alam, tidak merusak lingkungan. Berbisnis juga ditujukan untuk menolong manusia yang miskin dan bukan menghasilkan keuntungan untuk segelintir orang saja. Nilai-nilai ini ke depan akan mengemuka. Sekarang pertemuan para praktisi marketing mulai mengarah ke sana.
Setelah mengenal Islam, apa pendapat Anda tentang nilai yang diajarkan Islam agama yang universal dan komprehensif. Guidance-nya lengkap. Ada petunjuk untuk seorang pedagang, kepala negara, seorang anak, panglima perang dan semuanya. Ada diatur secara lengkap. Di atas semua itu saya melihat Islam itu ajaran yang damai dan indah. Ajaran Islam bisa dipakai semua orang. Itu kesan saya dan mengapa saya mau mempelajari nilai Islam untuk dikembangkan dalam konsep marketing. Saya sekarang menjadi aktivis lingkungan dan nilai-nilai.

About L'arc~en~Ciel

L'Arc~en~Ciel History Summary - Road to Glory
1991 Febuary, Osaka, Tetsu formed L'Arc~en~Ciel with hyde on vocal, hiro on guitar,tetsu on bass, and pero on drums. The name L'Arc~en~Ciel was chosen by leader Tetsu, and this name means "an ark in the sky " in french, which literally means rainbow. This was a name of a french movie that tetsu watched, and he thought that the name sounds nice ( and yeah no other paticular reason ) he chose it for their band name. Of course he wouldn't have known how much this name actaully can reflect their band right now, and probably become one of the most significant words in the late 90s of Japanese rock history...In that year's May 30th, they had their first LIVE in Nanba Rockets, they became very popular inside the indies circle and from that point on they've started a lot of activities around Osaka. They had many mor elives in Nanba Rockets.. and also other live houses for that time. In 1992, guitarist Hiro left the band and tetsu called his childhood friend Ken right away, since they desperately needed a guitarist for a LIVE that's upcoming. At that time Ken's still in University in Nagoya studying architecture, and under Tetsu's pushing and persuading..Ken decided in 3 days that he'll stop his studies and return to Osaka to join L'Arc~en~Ciel. Of course Ken's parents are extremely pissed about this... (haha thanks to tetchan!) and i heard that ken still haven't talked to his parents SINCE THEN !(@_@)After that they continued their activity, and in October 1st they recorded "Voice" for the Omnibus CD "Gimmick" And 1 month later, Nov 25th, they released their 1st single " Flood of Tears" (c/w Yasouka) and it was only a limit of 1000. (it's like impossible to find that single now..since there were only 1000 copies! and it's seen in Japan for 60,000 yen! ( original price 971 yen!!!!)) However, in Dec 30th, drummer Pero left the band after a LIVE performance at Osaka Music Hall. Tetsu then called up Sakura and asked him to be their drummer. However, they didn't even know Sakura, and Sakura was in Tokyo. Tetsu had just seen him in some lives before and thought of calling him up. Sakura doesn't even know L'Arc~en~Ciel either..but he still travelled from Tokyo to Osaka to see who they are. (and there goes the unmei no deai between hyde and sakura i guess? ^^;)
In 1993 Jan 16th, Sakura joined Laruku. That year April, they released their 1st album "DUNE". However some songs were written by Hiro (i'm in pain and no truth), and they couldn't use it in their album so they got in quite a lot of trouble. (I think Claustrophobia was written by hiro? but then they changed it to Shutting From the Sky in DUNE) During the recording of DUNE laruku members had to live in the weekly mansions in Tokyo ^^; ( except Sakura coz he was originally from Tokyo anyways) And the album " DUNE " got #1 in Oricon Indies Chart in May ^_^ Then following they had the tour ' Close to DUNE", " Feel of DUNE" from June to the endof that year. It had been a lot of trouble for them since they live in Osaka, they always have to drive back and forth from Tokyo to Osaka in ther "laruku car". Tetsu was the driver because hyde drives so extremely slow (like an old man) that everyone couldn't stand him. (Although he claim that he drives so slow because it's not his car) and Sakura doesn't know the road very well and he always end up going in big circles (and wasting gas) and Ken's such a reckless driver that although Tetsu always falls asleep, he can't even sleep when Ken's driving coz he'd have to pay attention for him, and ending up not sleeping which made no he decided to drive.
In Sept 93, all members of Laruku slowly moved to Tokyo to persue their career. But haido didn't really want to move to Tokyo..because he that would mean that he would not be able to meet his friends and parents very often,and Tokyo just seemed like a metropolis with not very friendly people..litte trees..dirty streets to him.In 1994 Feb, there was a TV Special " L'Arc~en~Ciel Valentine TV Special" called " Nostalgic no Yokan" (haha i have that video but it's a total blur -_-" but it was kinda funny how they did it for valentines...why Laruku right? no idea..) and in Sept, hyde stared in an Axia tape CM. Their success continued till 1997 with release of videos, singles, and tours and with their 1st million seller album "True". Unfortunately, in 1997, Sakura was arrested for some drug related problem, and he officially left L'Arc~en~Ciel on 1997 Nov 4th. The release of the single "the Fourth Avenue Cafe" was also cancelled. Laruku then stopped their activities for a few months, and they came back in their Reincarnation 97 Live in Tokyo Dome with new drummer Yukihiro (ex DIE IN CRIES), breaking the ticket sales record of Tokyo Dome with a sold out in 4 min. They then released the album " Heart" and continued to release big hit singles like Winterfall, Dive to Blue, and they made it to the Kohaku of 1998 for their first time with their million seller single HONEY. In July 1st 99 they released 2 albums at once "Ark" and "Ray" and sold a 5 hundred million. They then had their national Grand Cross Tour 99 with over 650,000 fans. They then continue to spread their music to other parts of the world, and had a promotion trip to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand in Sept 99. They crossed the year 2000 with 55,000 fans in Tokyo Big Sight in Reset Live and also making their 2nd apperance in Kohaku, also releasing their 1st single in the new millenium NEO UNIVERSE/finale on Jan 19th 00. In the summer of 00, they released their album REAL, which again proved their talents as muscians. After REAL and REALIVE, they released their first best album Best Clicked Singles 13 with 13 songs all voted by fans across asia online. Their promotion even went over asia into the US and started a whole L'Arc America campaign. On top of that, their new single "spirit dreams inside" was used as an ending theme song for the movie Final Fantasy (spirits within) all across the world. Since then, each member began to indulge in their own solo work, and had not been releasing anything as a band for more than a year. But ... after so many years, of ups and downs, L'Arc~en~Ciel is now one of the top bands in the Jrock scene, and their legend is to be continued with their colors shining above us...always. People always ask me, are they gonna disband? Well, even if they do, I think they will always shine above me. What I like them for is their music and everything that has made up L'Arc~en~Ciel, and these things will not go away even if they disband. I can still always listen to their music and remember them, therefore, I'm not even concerned of their disband at all, VIVA LARUKU!

Bass on my LinE....

Terlahir sebagai manusia yang sangat memuja musik, membuat seorang Yohan sangat mengagumi musik dari jenis apapun.

Musik menurut Yohan, "...musik adalah hal yang dapat membuat kita lebih intim.." (Maksud Looh?).

Drum merupakan alat musik yang sulit dipelajari, begitu juga keyboard dan gitar. oleh karena daripada itu, Sesosok Yohan mempelajari daripada alat musik BASS (Just play the musiq).

Tergabung dalam kelompok alat musik "4 Sehat 5 Sempurna" membuat Yohan lebih mempunyai kesempatan untuk bereksplorasi dalam musik.

Menganut aliran "Japanese Rock" yang cukup unfamiliar di telinga masyarakat musik Indonesia tidak mematahkan semangat band kami untuk tetap memainkan musik tersebut.

Kini, 4 Sehat 5 Sempurna mencoba untuk menciptakan lagu yang murni dari hasil pemikiran kami. Hal tersebut kami lakukan karena kita akan memasuki era globalisasi (hubungannya apa?)

Doakan kami ya...